We offer acupuncture and low level laser therapy solutions for a healthy lifestyle for children, adults and elders.
Acupuncture, originating from China, has been practiced for thousands of years all over the world and provides a safe, natural, drug-free and effective treatment to many disorders. Traditional acupuncture is carried out by inserting very thin needles at precise points of the patient’s body in order to influence its biochemical and physiological states. By stimulating specific points on the body an experienced acupuncturist is able to relieve pain and treat a variety of diseases.
During acupuncture treatment specific points located close to or on the surface of the skin are stimulated in order to alter various biochemical and physiological conditions.These acupuncture points are electrically sensitive. Applying a cold laser or inserting needles into these points stimulates various sensory receptors that then stimulate nerves responsible for transmitting impulses to the hypothalamic-pituatary system at the base of the brain.
The glands located in the hypothalamic-pituatary system release neurotransmitters and endorphins, which are body’s natural painkillers. In addition, endorphins are vital to proper functioning of the hormonal system, which is why acupuncture works so well for treating infertility and P.M.S.
Other physiological effects of acupuncture include:
Traditional acupuncture and laser therapy treat many conditions for both adults and children. Take a look at our list of conditions treated to find out more.
Acupuncture is a safe and gentle method of treatment with virtually no side effects. It uses very fine needles that are 25-50 times thinner than a hypodermic needle.Traditional acupuncture is painless, and most people only feel a slight tingling sensation as the needle is inserted.
Laser therapy is also offered as a great alternative to the traditional method. It is just as effective, but instead of needles it uses a device (a low level laser) that emits infrared light in order to apply small doses of thermal energy at key points, thus altering cellular function of targeted tissue and stimulating the healing process. Pediatric laser therapy is extremely popular among children and newborn because it is painless and doesn’t involve needles.
Manhattan Office: 30 Central Park South, Suite 10A, New York, NY 10018
Queens Office: 62-54 97th Place, Suite 1A, Rego Park, NY 11374
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