Nana Efrem M.S., L.Ac. is a licensed New York state acupuncturist practicing in Manhattan and Queens. Nana has been a practicing acupuncturist for over 26 years and in that time has treated hundreds of patients with infertility issues. In addition to practicing traditional acupuncture, she is also trained in cold low-level laser therapy, an innovative technology that allows her to stimulate acupuncture points without needles and achieve results in a fraction of the time of traditional acupuncture. Nana is certified in laser and bio-electromagnetic therapies, in women’s health/gynecology, infertility, men’s health, sports medicine, dermatologic conditions, acne, facial rejuvenation and many more.
With a medical degree in obstetrics and gynecology from the Medical University of Moscow and a Master’s degree in Science in Acupuncture from the Tri-State College of Acupuncture in New York, Nana is trained in both Western and Eastern medicine. Due to her unique background, Nana’s knowledge of Western and Eastern medicine allows her the unique ability to approach her patients’ complaints and conditions in a holistic manner that will lead to a more integrated approach to healing. And it is this approach to treatment that has resulted in many happy families.
On your first complimentary consultation with Nana, she will diagnose your symptoms and suggest a treatment plan. If acupuncture, cold laser therapy, and Chinese medicine can help the patients, Nana builds a fully-customized treatment plan. Nana’s healing methods aim to make this a pain-free process that can lead to happy results as quickly as possible.
Manhattan Office: 30 Central Park South, Suite 10A, New York, NY 10018
Queens Office: 62-54 97th Place, Suite 1A, Rego Park, NY 11374
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